What are dry toilets?
What are dry or compost toilets?
Dry and compost toilets are environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional toilets. They do not require water for flushing, which is important for water conservation. Read more about the difference between a dry and a compost toilet below.
We have been selling eco toilets since 1991! You can divide them into two groups, the small and compact dry toilets and the larger compost toilets. In short, we are at your service with a lot of experience.
Would you like to view our range of dry toilets? Then go directly to the webshop.
What is a dry toilet?
The Dry Toilet is a ‘small’ toilet that uses no water and no chemicals! That is why it is also called a dry toilet. Feces and urine are collected in the toilet. Some models separate the urine, then only poo and paper enter the bucket and urine is kept separate. Some models have a built-in ventilation, which ensures that there are no odors in the toilet and the contents dry!
Only once every 2-3 or 4 weeks (!) the bucket with biological bag needs to be changed.
Did you know! Did you know that with a dry toilet you really save 6 to 9 liters per flush, +/- 45 liters per day?!
That is approximately 15,000 liters of drinking water, per person, per year!
What is a compost toilet?
You can also connect several toilets on different floors to 1 compost tank. Because the tank is larger, you no longer have to empty weekly/monthly, like the dry toilet, but remove a wheelbarrow of composted material once every 2-3 years. Example models are the Clivus Multrum M100 , M150 and M300 . These can be either with a ready-made house such as Dalsland (also for the disabled ) or Gypsy .

Why should you use a dry toilet?
We humans use more and more water, such as long showers, rain showers, flushing toilets, filling the swimming pool and so on.
But in nature you notice that it is getting warmer and raining less, causing more and more dehydration – shortage. With a dry or compost toilet you can save around 15,000L of DRINKING WATER per person per year! At the same time, you also save on the very dirty ‘black’ waste water.
The top 4 drytoilets of Ecosave

1. Comfort Mo
Are you looking for a new modern wall-hung toilet that is also water-saving? Then the Comfort Mo is the perfect choice.
From €749,00

2. MAXi Boot-Droogtoilet
Are you looking for a dry toilet for your boat? This dry toilet is specially designed for (sailing) boats.
From €789,00

3. INI DIY kit
Looking for a more budget-friendly solution? Then the INI kit is just the thing for you.
From €75,00

4. Separera MINI
Meet the MINI dry toilet, a compact solution with the appearance of a traditional toilet.
From €779,00
Where are dry compost toilets used?
Here at our company ECOSAVE, we already use the Clivus compost toilet and only use water to wash our hands. In use at ECOSAVE since 1995 and in 25 years we saved 1,500,000L of water! Compost toilets are widely used in large homes, golf courses, allotments, nature reserves and nature campsites. See here various reference projects at home and abroad.

What types of dry toilets are there?
Many people like it and are able to build their own (wooden) toilet. ECOSAVE supplies various building kits. The base consists of the urine separator insert, a urine drainage hose, the seat and cover, in various designs. The extensive package also includes the wood conversion.
Single models;
1.1 Ecosave INI urine separator package is with glasses + lid and hose and made from recycled material.
1.2 Trobolo 1358/1359 White or gray Urine separator with urine tube, without glasses and lid.
1.3 Separett Privy 500 package with hose and blue separator, a styrofoam seat and lid.
1.4 Separett Privy 501 same concept with white “normal” glasses with lid included.
1.5 Separett Privy 501 complete, with 2 buckets, Bio bags, ventilation and adapter.
1.6 Trobolo Tera-Bloem complete kit with all accessories and wooden conversion parts.
The basic dry toilet is a ready-to-use dry toilet , light in weight and can be placed anywhere. Feature: everything is collected together in 1 large bucket in the toilet! No drains, no sewers needed, no ventilation. Add some wood shavings regularly to absorb the urine and cover the top layer. Some models have a fan. Simple and easy to apply, during a renovation, relocation, allotment garden, in the shack, etc.
2.1 Separett Sanitoa in white or light gray granite version, plastic with large 30L bucket.
2.2 Ziya dry toilet in white, turquoise, orange, wood-coloured plastic with large stainless steel bucket.
2.3 Nature Loo NL2 in white plastic with ventilation.
2.4 Nature Loo CM2 in white plastic with ventilation and closing valve.
2.5 Biolet in white plastic, catches everything and starts composting in the toilet.
2.6 Biolet in white plastic, with fully electric control and operation.
This toilet is just a step better than the Basic , the urine separation ensures a dry (!) content and a built-in fan ensures that there are no more unpleasant odors. You shouldn’t have to use wood shavings here. Some have a lid, so you can’t see anything!
Single models;
3.1 Ecosave Comfort MO, Our own Hang-dry toilet with steel suspension frame
3.2 Maxi dry toilet for boat, small can be replaced almost 1 on 1 with current flush toilet.
3.3 Separera Mini, small and compact. With tank or with hose
3.4 Separett Tiny, small compact, with closing flap if necessary. also with urine tank in toilet.
3.5 Separett Villa 9010 in white with a blue closing valve and rotating saucer incl.
3.6 Separett Villa 9020 in white with valve and the much larger bucket, 50L, for under the floor!
3.7 Trobolo Luwebloem, wooden construction, rectangular, with handles, without ventilation!
3.8 Trobolo Bila-Bloem also in wood, rectangular, but this one with built-in ventilation!
3.9 Trobolo Tiny-Bloem in WOOD with round shapes, very handsome, with built-in ventilation.
Have you ever had a serious emergency on the road and there is nowhere to be found a public toilet? Or do you need a toilet at the campsite, beach or on a hike? Then the small compact mobile dry toilet is a solution in a handy carrying bag, easy to take with you in the car or truck. You can also add a small toilet tent if you stay longer in the same place, for privacy.
4.1. Separett Rescue 25 , dry toilet with seat, hose and bags in a handy bag.
4.2. Toilet tent , quickly set up and dismantled, with approx. 1m2 floor space, rain resistant.
The incineration toilet is a special dry toilet, it uses no water and no chemicals, but ‘burns’ the toilet material. Do not really burn, but heat to 500 – 600 Celsius. Like a toaster, spirals are safely heated with the result that urine evaporates and poop and paper turn to ash! This is done 100% safely, you cannot reach the heating and there are safeguards in it. After about 1 month you can empty the ashes from the ash drawer in the garden, or dispose of it at the GFT. Ash is not waste but a raw material! The energy consumption can be compared with a microwave between 850 and 1600W. It is also often used by freelancers who receive people at home, so you have a hygienic solution that can in principle be placed anywhere. Single models;
5.1 Mulltoa Ecolet small, compact and economical incineration toilet.
5.2 Separett Cindi Basic for 1-2 persons.
5.3 Separett Cindi Family for 3-4+ people or intensive use.
5.4 Eco-Toi incineration toilet on GAS
6.1. Freeze 2000
This toilet is also a DRY TOILET, because it does not use water, but as the name suggests, this toilet FREEZES all your stools. This toilet is an advanced system, built in such a way that it can receive temperatures of -18 degrees. You would say ‘isn’t my body freezing here at the toilet?’ No, not that, but it would be a bit colder there between the legs.
In 1939 Rikard Lindstrom (Stockholm) invented the Clivus Multrum and also won an International prize for it. This Clivus still works after 90 years (!)!
As mentioned at the outset, compost toilets have a larger tank under the floor. All the material is composted in that tank. You can connect several toilets to the compost tank, both on the ground floor and on the first floor. The toilets are directly above the tank and therefore everything falls directly into the compost tank. Thanks to its own fan on the compost tank, air is drawn down into the toilet to bring oxygen into the compost heap, to remove possible odors and to evaporate moisture. The toilet is therefore always fresh and odorless, a great experience!
Maintenance; Check the contents 1-2x a year, level with a rake. Only after 2-3 years you can only remove about 1 wheelbarrow of composting material per year. Possibly also compost tea.
7.1 Clivus Multrum CL310 simple built-in toilet, directly on compost tank, porcelain and stainless steel
7.2 Clivus Multrum CL200 a special porcelain compost toilet
7.3 Clivus Multrum CL500 special microflush toilet, with a minimum flush 0.5-3L
7.3 Clivus Multrum M100 compost tank, in which everything is collected, for 1 pers. or allotment garden
7.4 Clivus Multrum M150 compost tank, same but larger, suitable for 2 pers. or playground
7.5 Clivus Multrum M300 compost tank, the same but even bigger, suitable for 4+ people
These special urinals do not use water either! Thanks to a special stainless steel or plastic valve that immediately closes the drain pipe after use, there are no odors. We have simple dry urinals in brown plastic that are often used in a garden house, an allotment garden, in a nature reserve or at events. But we also have various white porcelain urinals for the home, catering or business. Again, these dry urinals can save up to 7,500L of water per person annually ! In a catering facility, 100,000L of water per year!
8.1 Biolan Urinal in brown plastic.
8.2 Clivus Multrum CL 100 White round – sleek porcelain dry urinal
8.3 Clivus Multrum CL 101 White more angular – sleek porcelain dry urinal
What could be nicer to have a small, romantic wooden toilet house in a secluded spot with a dry or compost toilet in it. ADVANTAGES: No sewage system required, no water pipes to it, no waste water purification necessary, everything is collected in the toilet or in the compost tank. We also have different toilet options in the houses
9.1 Ecosave ecological toilet house with INI complete, complete kit with thick log cabin profiles.
9.2 Trobolo KersaBloem , construction kit consisting of 4 walls and roof with door, ready faster.
9.3 Clivus Multrum Dalsland, with Clivus M100 , same kit, painted and ventilation.
9.4 Clivus Mutrum Dalsland , with Clivus 100, suitable for the disabled ! same kit.
9.5 Clivus Multrum Gypsy with Clivus M100 , beautiful house with everything above ground
If you have any questions about our dry or compost toilets, please feel free to contact us:
E-mail: info@ecosave.nl
Phone: +31 321 332038
Opening hours: Working days Mon to Fri 8.30am – 5.30pm
Hope to see you again.
Ecosave, 30 years of experience in sustainable products